Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Great Ice Storm of 2009

So yesterday the HUGE (note the sarcasm) arctic blast 2009 hit Dallas and like any good southern city pretty much everything shut down. While our office delayed opening until 10 am, my client predictably closed their doors. The entire day. Since I wouldn't be able to get any more work done in the office versus at home, there wasn't much of a choice. Pajamas! Until 6 pm!

When I was a staff person, I was a terrible at-home-employee. I blame this ineffectiveness primarily on two things: 1) entirely too many horizontal surfaces and 2) the 800 re-runs of Law and Order that are aired every day. Does it matter that I've seen every episode at least twice? Not at all. I MIGHT CATCH A NEW CLUE TO THE MYSTERY THAT I'VE ALREADY SEEN SOLVED.

I will say that over the past two years, I have become very effective at working from home (accountability is a bitch). I did take a few breaks throughout the day, however, and took a few opportunities to take some pictures. While I'm no Ansel Adams, I do think the ice takes on a certain beauty and I tried to capture it. And I relished in hearing it melt on the roof...

...and not washing my face or putting on a bra until 6. When I was forced to. I was expecting company.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Where to start

So I thought I might jump on this blogging bandwagon. After all, one of my favorite blogging websites supports a family of three (about to be four). Must be nice to write about your life for a living.