Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Blast From The Past

My sister and I recently were trying to remember a Christmas movie we used to watch as kids. I've noticed as I've gotten older that the children's Christmas movies from my generation are, frankly, creepy. We didn't think they were creepy at the time, but I mean, remember clay-mation Rudolph? CREEPY.

I digress.

We couldn't remember much about the movie, except that it involved toys that came to life when the children left the room. And these toys for some reason we couldn't recall ventured downstairs to the living room on Christmas Eve.

Through an email exchange today, we remembered discussing this movie the other day. Since we're both corporate monkeys and sit at computers about 95% of the day, we commenced our respective Google searches. Almost immediately, we each found the movie on the Internet Movie Database and simultaneously emailed each other with the excitement that we had found our beloved creepy film. Shockingly, it's down 2% in popularity this week.

Although you can purchase this movie online, based on the reviews it appears that the DVD version doesn't include the Kermit cameo or the sing-a-long of all the toys, including the formerly dead but magically resurrected ones, at the end.

You read that correctly. Dead toys. It was the 80s. Gimme a break.

You can also watch it for free on You Tube in five parts. Which I did today. Unfortunately, the Velveeta commercial I remember fast forwarding through on the VHS version we recorded from TV is not included.


  1. I LOVE THIS MOVIE! Actually, I think Meteora use to frighten me. And still does.

    Does anyone ever post comments? Or am I the first?

  2. says Margaret posted this...crap.

  3. ...I'm just mad I had to click "online" just to figure out what movie it was!!! oooohhh...mystery...who said that?
